Registration or check-in is the moment in which travelers arrive at the meeting point of our Camper, we give them information about the operation of the vehicle and we check its status. As a general rule, it takes place at 3:00 p.m. (local time) in Santa Cruz de La Palma, unless another time or place has been agreed with the client, but always with mutual agreement between the client and the host.
When we talk about Departure or check-out we refer to the delivery of the Camper by the travelers and the verification of the condition of the vehicle. As a general rule, it takes place at 5:00 p.m. (local time).
- Communication one week before the rental where the identity documents and the driving license of the main driver and second driver, if any, will be required. The account number where they have to make the payment of the deposit will also be provided.
- Indication, one day before, of the meeting point.
- Reception of travelers at the arranged time.
- Explanation of the operation of the Camper and its particularities.
- Signing of the contract and the entry document or Check-In.
- Delivery of the keys.
- Recommendations about the island, restaurants, beaches, leisure activities, etc.
- Verification of the state of the Camper by both parties.
- Signature of the departure or Check-out part.